Inner Development Goals

The Inner Development Goals Initiative From the website… WhyIn 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals gave us a comprehensive plan for a sustainable world by 2030. The 17 goals cover a wide range of issues that involve people with different needs, values, and...

The Wise Meet the Wise

About a month ago, I was privileged to attend the Elephants Alive Nlopfu Gogos Program Exhibition. This is a little reflection I wrote from the day. Posting today as it is Heritage Day here in Mzansi South Africa and it seemed appropriate. A very big thank you goes to...

ROTM 2022 – Grace of Education

Awareness is key. Education is empowering. At a surface level we know this but I think we often take it for granted. I think we show complacency too easily as humans, assuming we are aware, smug in our level of education or understanding compared to the species we...

ROTM 2022 – Tembe Time

A tyre repair was required after the ROTM crew left Kosi Bay. A short stop at Manguzi and we were ready to go. We arrived at our next stop – Tembe Elephant Park – in good time to visit the hide by the waterhole. Some lovely moments were spent with an ellie bull, a...