The Inner Development Goals Initiative
From the website…
In 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals gave us a comprehensive plan for a sustainable world by 2030. The 17 goals cover a wide range of issues that involve people with different needs, values, and convictions. There is a vision of what needs to happen, but progress along this vision has so far been disappointing. We lack the inner capacity to deal with our increasingly complex environment and challenges. Fortunately, modern research shows that the inner abilities we now all need, can be developed. This was the starting point for the ‘Inner Development Goals’ (IDGs) initiative.
The IDGs will provide an essential framework of transformative skills for sustainable development, a field-kit (in co-creation now) on how to develop these necessary skills – open source and free for all to use. The current IDGs framework represents 5 dimensions and 23 skills and qualities which are especially crucial for leaders who address SDGs, but fundamentally for all of us! It is the greatest possible accelerator to reach the Sustainable Development Goals and create a prosperous future for all humanity.
The IDGs initiative has co-creation at its center with ongoing development and input from more and more experts, scientists, practitioners and organisations around the world. In 2021 the first IDGs report was published that explains the background, method and framework with 5 dimensions and 23 transformational skills.
The Inner Development Goals (IDGs) initiative just gives me life and hope. Proof that humanity as a collective has the power for good transformative change.
We have been so focused on all the mistakes we have made and the damage we have done as a species to get us to the state we are in for people and planet. While this recognition of our failures is part of the process towards change, there remains such a negative mindset. The anxiety, overwhelm and fatigue so many of us experience in the face of all the world’s problems often causes inertia.
Here’s the hope. In different corners of the world there are brilliant humans inspired to look beyond the despair and find solutions. These little centres of hope bring together like-minded people, often deeply connected to Nature, to work towards good transformative change. These little centres grow and develop in isolation on a physical or geographical level. On an energy level, however, a Collective is born! This Collective has power and once we become aware of its nature and extent, it becomes empowering for the individuals involved.
Pure Spaces Education was born out of a time of deep disruption for me personally and professionally. When I sat down to develop the vision and mission I was unsure of how to bring two seemingly separate ideas together. I had a purpose around inner development and personal wellbeing and I had a purpose around living sustainably and nature-connectedness. I knew instinctively these two purposes were connected. I knew because of how they play out in my own life. But at the time I could not find any work of others to guide me in this. This is what I eventually articulated of my Story.
Pure Spaces Education is a dream come true. A Dream to share what I’ve learned about our Mother Earth, about our deep Connection to her and each other. I believe if we truly take in this Connection and feel the benefit of it to our individual Wellbeing, we will live intentionally for the good of All.
To connect a personal sense of place in the world with living sustainably both socially and environmentally.
To share a wellbeing toolbox that helps establish a grounded sense of place in the world.
As I reflect on my Great Purpose together with what I am learning about the Inner Development Goals initiative, I see synergy. I have found it profoundly validating that there is global recognition of the connection between a personal sense of wellbeing and social behaviour change for a more sustainable world. I sensed a Collective was out there. Now I have evidence and I am thrilled and excited to be part of it.
Let’s explore this Pure Spaces | IDGs synergy a little more…
1| Being – relationship to self
Cultivating our inner life and developing and deepening our relationship to our thoughts, feelings and body help us be present, intentional and non-reactive when we face complexity.
Pure Spaces | Wellbeing Toolbox – Self-reflection, Identity, Wellbeing, Resilience
2| Thinking – cognitive skills
Developing our cognitive skills by taking different perspectives, evaluating information and making sense of the world as an interconnected whole, is essential for wise decision-making.
Pure Spaces | Wellbeing Toolbox – Values, Dreaming
3| Relating – caring for others and the world
Appreciating, caring for and feeling connected to others, such as neighbors, future generations or the biosphere, helps us create more just and sustainable systems and societies for everyone.
Pure Spaces | Nature – Belonging, Connection, Mother Earth
4| Collaborating – social skills
To make progress on shared concerns, we need to develop our abilities to include, hold space and communicate with stakeholders with different values, skills and competencies.
Pure Spaces | Wellbeing Toolbox – Storytelling | Nature – Family, Compassion
5| Acting – driving change
Qualities such as courage and optimism help us acquire true agency, break old patterns, generate original ideas and act with persistence in uncertain times.
Pure Spaces | Wellbeing Toolbox – Thrive with Microsteps | Sustainability
I love that the How of the IDGs initiative is Co-creation. This is such an incredible step in the right direction towards achieving the Global Goals and all that means for people and planet! Join this Collective. Find some small way to educate yourself and get involved! Check out the IDG website for Summit 2023 details, social media links and community events.
Here is an incredible example of the IDGs being incorporated in a practical way for boots-on-the-ground wildlife conservation work: