Nature-based Solutions

22 April – Earth Day. On the United Nations website – International Mother Earth Day. Another day to acknowledge all the wonder and beauty of Mother Nature and all she does for us. Another chance to hear her urgent call for action to make different choices about how...

Community and Conservation

All set to write my first blog post for 2023 with a focus on two years of Pure Spaces. Grateful about what has eventuated in the past year for me in this space and excited about setting intention for the year ahead. Then earlier this week 25 elephants were...

The Wise Meet the Wise

About a month ago, I was privileged to attend the Elephants Alive Nlopfu Gogos Program Exhibition. This is a little reflection I wrote from the day. Posting today as it is Heritage Day here in Mzansi South Africa and it seemed appropriate. A very big thank you goes to...