Could the end of Fast Fashion be approaching? Let’s hope so.

 The ugly side of the fashion industry in terms of social and environmental impact is certainly being more widely reported than ever before.

This blog post from Oxfam is a good place to start with for our look into slow fashion.

A quick Google search will yield some pretty terrible statistics linked to clothing production. We won’t wallow here. Just one infographic to set the scene.

Today’s post will focus on some of the amazing humans finding creative solutions to the ethical and social dilemmas linked to the fashion industry.

How about this one turning old clothing into bricks to build with?! This architect transforms used textiles into bricks.

It will also focus on the super easy changes each one of us can make as individuals to make a change here.

Mindful consumption when it comes to clothing is straightforward. There is no excuse for any of us not to change our ways. I don’t even see much inconvenience in the shift to mindful clothing consumption. And we can see the direct impact for good in our actions for people and the planet.

Most people are probably more familiar with the advocacy for ethical fashion in terms of who the people are making our clothes. What are their working conditions like and are they being treated fairly?

These days the environmental impact is being assessed as well, pressuring the fashion industry to look at both the social and environmental aspects of their business.

This article tells this story clearly and eloquently – What is Sustainable & Ethical Fashion?

What follows is a list of resources – links to articles, a download – that can help you educate yourself further about this issue. There is also a lot of guidance in these resources about ways you can take action.

Tearfund Ethical Fashion Guide






Your fashion choices may be hurting the planet — here are 6 ways to reduce your impact


Wishing you all the best on your journey to Slow Fashion