People have been asking me about Biodiversity – what it is and why it is so important to a healthy Mother Earth (which includes us, of course).

In this post I have curated some resources I use to help address this question – What is Biodiversity and why is it so important? There are also some ideas contained in these resources to what each of us can do to help.

I hope you find something here that resonates with you.

Let’s start with this TED-Ed video from Kim Preshoff – Why is biodiversity so important?

This is Conservation International’s take on why People Need Biodiversity from October 2020. This organisation has other useful videos to check out on their YouTube channel.

This clip from WWF – Our Planet – What is biodiversity? – provides a useful definition in the words of Sir David Attenborough.

In this longer clip from WWF, Sir David Attenborough looks at ways we help protect and restore biodiversity – How to Save Our Planet.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has long been investigating the link between human health and biodiversity. Here are a couple of links to get you started…

Biodiversity and Health

Nature is Our Greatest Source of Health and Wellbeing

These links are just a taste of the information out there about the value of healthy biodiversity to humanity. All the ecosystem services we rely on are affected by a loss of biodiversity. We are clearly reminded of how interconnected everything on this planet is. We cannot ignore the signs of our mindless impact any longer. Even if you do not care that much about Nature or like animals that much, it is still in your best interests and the interests of your children and grandchildren to care about protecting and maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services.

The levels of uncertainty, instability and disruption we have seen over the past couple of decades socially, economically and environmentally are clear indications we need to take action now. Rethink the way we as a species interact with Mother Nature and each other. We can turn this around.

Finishing off this post with a little look at Aotearoa New Zealand’s Biodiversity Strategy 2020 – an interesting read and the little video clip is just gorgeous.

Kia Kaha/Stay Strong 🖤