Since 1970 every April 22nd we have celebrated Earth Day. This date in 1970 is considered the birth of the modern environmental movement. This year’s theme is #InvestInOurPlanet. Perhaps take a moment today to reflect on what Mother Earth does for you and what you could do to invest in our planet. Here are some tips –

But really every day is Earth Day and if more of us honoured Mother Earth on a more regular basis, what a wonderful difference that would make!

This particular Earth Day I thought it a suitable opportunity to share where I am at with my journey to #InvestInOurPlanet.

Nelson Mandela once said “education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world”. After 20 years as an educator, I know this to be true.

I came into teaching somewhat reluctantly but soon realised that the education process came quite naturally. Spending time designing education programmes and resources, especially for contexts I am passionate about, finds me in my element. Over the years I have discovered that creating education content is a very important outlet for expressing my creative energy.

Out of much time reflecting on my teaching practice, a 4 step design process for creating education content has emerged for me. I am calling this bespoke education design.

And so my bespoke education design journey takes its next step – offering my creative skills freelance. I have already been given the opportunity to try this out and here is a summary of the result:

My hope is that Pure Spaces Education continues to grow and evolve as an environmental education resource hub and so allow me to continue to #InvestInOurPlanet through Nature-Connectedness education. In my small but valuable way celebrating every day as Earth Day 🌍💚


Post Script

With marvellous anticipation I look forward to bringing you May’s blog post on the road under African skies during the Rise of the Matriarch expedition 💙